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State Returns: “Percentage” Entry Field Behavior (RESOLVED)

23 Feb 18
Craig Smith
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*Resolved as of 2/28/18*

We have received some reports and have been able to replicate the behavior inside of the state returns. We have opened Issue #1308 for development to review and resolve.

What is the issue?

  • When attempting to enter a percentage value (i.e. 100%) into a state return entry field that asks for a percentage to be entered, I am not able to enter a value when I click (using your mouse or mousepad) into the field.

How do I enter a percentage value at this time?

  • Until the fix is live, using your mouse or mousepad, click into an entry field that is before the percentage entry field and TAB down to the percentage entry field. You will then be able to enter the appropriate value.

NOTE: The percentage entry will save with the state return and carry to the PDF, however, the value is not staying inside the state return. This means that when the Quality Reviewer is reviewing the state entries, the percentage field will be blank again. Repeating the steps outlined above will remedy the issue until the permanent fix is live.

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